This program is an emulator of a real analog vocoder Roland VP-330 Vocoder Plus. Although the VP-330 was a vocoder, it was also a polyphonic synthesizer capable of producing not only string sounds, but also realistic vocal tones.

The cross-platform V + comes as both an instrumental plugin and an effects plugin. The front panel is divided into sections dedicated to Strings, Human Voice and Vocoder, Vibrato and Mixing. The Strings section contains several parameters: means for activating strings in the upper and lower registers of the keyboard, the “Attack” and “Tone” slider.

The Human Voice section offers male and female voices on the upper keys and two male voices on the lower keys, plus an ensemble effect to “tighten” them. These voices are synthesized and can sound pretty convincing, depending on the patch.
Vocoding was the VP-330’s first target, so it’s no surprise that V + works great as an effects plug-in rather than an instrument plug-in. The main panel contains switches Upper (upper) and Lower (lower). There is also a level control fader, Flt Dir fader.

There is a dedicated Vocoder vocoding panel with sliders to control the incoming filtered signal; and an Analyze section for adjusting the timing for the electronic circuit, limiting the frequency spectrum of the input signal, or adding weird Water modulation (underwater singing effect). You can also select the sidechain input and adjust the onboard pitch tracker (which is based on old analogue models and sounds retro).

By Leauger

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