A fully finished fleet of virtual effects and instruments from A to Z of the highest quality and with support for 64-bit systems! With faster scanning, loading and processing, Waves V10 opens up new dimensions of the power of high-performance plug-ins. Perhaps the most famous name in the world among manufacturers of professional audio processing effects. Mastering, mixing music, post-production, restoration of audio recordings, dynamic processing, equalization, noise reduction, emulation of classic analog devices – all this is available with the Waves Complete Collection. Waves is the choice of most recording studios. Plugins are rightfully considered to be one of the best and they will instantly connect to your working project and will be immediately ready for work. Update your Waves right now.
* All launches of installations, kijen, patchers are done on behalf of the administrator during any installation and activation. Nowhere and no folders from where \ where the installation will be carried out all the way, to the entire address, should not contain cyrillic characters (exceptions are system folders such as Users). Also, the computer name and account must be in Latin. You must be an administrator on the system. In the system for these plug-ins you must have Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017, as well as the .NET Framework installed. No need to create nesting dolls from 15 folders and download there. Due to long file / folder names there will be an error during installation. Download to the root of the disk.
Delete previous version. Clear the system of all remaining folders and all entries in the registry.
(C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3 – WaveShell1-VST3 …
C: \ Program Files \ VSTPlugins – WaveShell1-VST …
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files \ VST3 – WaveShell1-VST3. ..
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Common Files – WPAPI
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ VstPlugins – WaveShell1-VST …
C: \ Program Files (x86) – Waves, Waves Central
C: \ Users \ NAME \ – .Waves Central
C: \ Users \ NAME \ AppData \ Local – Waves Audio
C: \ Users \ NAME \ AppData \ Roaming – Waves Audio
C: \ Users \ Public – Waves Audio)
1. Install Install_Waves_Central.exe
2. Run it c: \ Program Files \ Waves Central \ Waves Central.exe
3. Click the Offline Installer, then on Browse under the Install from an Offline installer line and select the DISTRIBUTION folder: \ WC. \ WiN
4. Select the desired plugins from the list except for any libraries (where there will be inscriptions opposite – SD or HD should be gray, not highlighted in blue) and in the right part of the window click on the Install button. 5. After the installation is complete, copy run and apply Waves Complete 11.0 patch Recommended list of plug-ins for installation: Abbey Road Collection, Abbey Road Studio 3, Mercury, SSL 4000 Collection, OVox Vocal ReSynthesis, Content Creator Audio Toolkit, DTS Neural ™ Surround Collection, NX .bundle and Clavinet.bundle Electric88.bundle Electric200.bundle tools

Flow Motion.bundle
Bass Slapper.bundle Tool
libraries download separately. When choosing what to install, libraries are not selected unless you plan to use the tools. If you plan and want the libraries to be installed immediately with the plugins, then the downloaded Instrument Data folder with them must be placed in … Distribution \ Waves.10.Complete.vXXXX \ Waves \ Installers \ V10, and in this case they should be noted in Wave Central.
If only WaveShell is displayed in the FL
In the FL plug-in manager, add another additional folder with VST plug-ins along the path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Waves \ Plug-Ins V11, then force the plugins to be scanned.
During installation, the error “sorry an error has occurred during installation” appears.
Delete the cash folder (DISTRIBUTION \ Waves – 11 Complete vXXX \ Data \ cache)