Death & Darkness SDX combines two world-class studios with two of the most sought-after modern metal producers: Mark Lewis (Cannibal Corpse, Whitechapel, Coal Chamber) and Tew Madsen (Meshuggah, Behemoth, Hatesphere). Together, this gives you a truly diverse and comprehensive collection of drums designed to satisfy any aspect of the modern fragmented scene – from the most brutal death metal struck by the explosion and incredible speed to cool metalcore, hardcore and all others, alloys of progressive metal hybrids inspired by the alloy.

The “Darkness” part of the SDX offers a completely different experience – the darker, less polished and more unprocessed tone of the drums. It was recorded in an empty pool at the long-standing and very legendary Antfarm Tue studio in Aarhus, Denmark. Thanks to the reflective surface of the solid tiled walls and floor in the pool, combined with the brick structure and high ceilings in the next room, the atmosphere of this unique room, which can be heard in countless albums, is unlike any other.

• Nine (9) complete kits
• A total of 19 bass drums, 19 snare drums, 35 cymbals and more
• Recorded at two different studios: Sonic Ranch, TX, (by Mark Lewis) and Antfarm Studios, Denmark, (by Tue Madsen )
• Sampled with extreme attention to detail and articulation
• Configured as two sound libraries, one for each studio
• Includes custom mix presets engineered by Mark Lewis, Tue Madsen and Toontrack
• Sampled by drummers Sean Reinert and Michel Svane
• Includes MIDI performed by Sean Reinert and Jay Postones (TesseracT)

By Leauger

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