Taiko ultra-game cinema reels special emphasis on fast play and organic timeless sound. Also includes various percussion ensembles based on taiko sounds to expand your sound palette.
For many years, the Japanese Taiko has been a constant racy in soundtracks and musical works around the world. Applying our sampling philosophy to various instruments of the Taiko family gave some very organic and fresh sound, which in combination with our X3M percussion engine is just a pleasure from the game.
One of our main goals was to get consecutive RRs of as many playing techniques as possible, allowing us to write fast, but at the same time smooth and realistic-sounding percussion arrangements. To achieve this, we carefully edited each individual sample of our 10 RRs and performed as many repetitions as needed, after thoroughly testing the articulations in the real context of the composition.
In addition to this, another important goal for us was to expand the sound palette of the taiko sound by adding other tools that improve but do not change the aesthetics of the main sound too much. Therefore, TAIKOS X3M not only consists of the same sound material that we have all heard countless times before, but also contains new, yet unheard of instrument combinations, breathing life into your percussion arrangements.
Recordings took place at Sofia Session Studio, where we also recorded previous X3M libraries

By Leauger

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