Operating systems (Windows): 64-bit Windows 10 Version 21H1, 64-bit Windows 11 Version 21H2 (or higher)
CPU minimum (Windows): 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core
RAM minimum: 4 GB
RAM recommended: 8 GB
Hard disk free space: 4 GB
Display resolution minimum at 100% UI scaling: 1280 x 720
Display resolution recommended: 1920 x 1080
Graphics minimum (Windows): OpenGL 3.3 compatible graphics card (DirectX 11 recommended) (Windows only)

Description : Steinberg has released an updated version of the Steinberg SpectraLayers 8 audio restoration and editing program. The update brings new features to the program borrowed from the previously released Cubase and Nuendo, and also offers a number of workflow improvements.
Special thanks to the author of this distribution from outside for the material provided

  1. Unzip the Steinberg – SpectraLayers Pro 8.0.20.exe file to a suitable location for you.
  2. Install the file from the About folder: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) – 14.28.29914, if it is not installed on your PC.
  3. Run the file from the unpacked folder Steinberg – SpectraLayers Pro 8.0.20: 1. SpectraLayers Create SymLink.cmd.

By Leauger

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