Control your creativity
Spitfire Studio Strings marks the first release of the all-new Spitfire Orchestra line. Our goal was to create an incredibly versatile library of professional grade samples. Choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of Air Studio One, a smaller and more manageable space than the luxurious Lyndhurst Hall, we offer our fellow composers a library of stringed instruments with depth, detail and focus at the same time. For those who will work on anything from passionate historical dramas to contemporary Scandinavian noir. It’s suitable for quirky indie and fresh pop, but it also allows you to accompany epic movies and games.
This new set of orchestral libraries, which took two years to build, has all the valuable hallmarks of Spitfire: London-based A-list session guitarists, invaluable instruments and an unprecedented signal path, taped by Grammy-winning engineer Simon Rhodes. As with our existing symphonic and chamber ranges, we have adopted a “whatever we can do” approach: an encyclopedia of articulations (playing styles), vibrato controls and multiple dynamic layers and PP for seamless nuanced realism. Our new Studio Strings package is a medium chamber (or small symphonic) ensemble recorded in sections (1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, cello and double bass).
Spitfire users now have a wide variety of orchestral maneuvers. We believe that Studio Strings are suitable for users of our existing Lyndhurst Hall ranges as an important sonic alternative. The library can be used for the widest range of musical purposes, ready for your own favorite reverbs and effects. With the versatility we’ve introduced into this library, we have no doubt that Spitfire Studio will be an important part of your musical creativity over the next decade.
Spitfire Studio Strings will take you right to the heart of our orchestral library today: 148 articulations in a full 30-string section (, from flying legato and our signature whispering super flutando, all the way to the spiccato, fork. grace notes and effects.