Time and again, we set new standards in sampling and take the art to a whole new level. In our pursuit, we are willing to break all the rules. Our goal is always to achieve the highest quality, no matter how high the bar. When we find that our catalog does not meet the requirements, we do not stop there, but do everything possible to fill the gaps.

In short, we have all played with rulers and tape measures and noticed the pleasant vibrations they can create. If you fix a ruler to the edge of a flat surface so that it can vibrate freely, it can produce a musical tone with a frequency proportional to the distance over which it can vibrate up and down. The longer the section of the tooth that is free to vibrate, the lower the note is and the longer it can sound. As you move the ruler further along the surface and reduce the length of the freely vibrating overhang, the pitch of the tone increases and the duration of the note shortens. Tiny changes can make big leaps, so to create a wide musical scale you need to move millimetre by millimetre.

Because we’re weird, we headed to the garage and grabbed two of our nicest rulers and a couple of self-winding tape measures, then decided to grab one library to rule them all! We took no shortcuts! While the meters danced, we counted every inch to the millimetre, using finely calibrated microphones and impeccable preamps to capture even the smallest details. We recorded 30 notes on our 6-inch ruler (15-24 cm) and 38 notes on our 12-inch ruler (30-48 cm), plus taps, rattles and drops. We also recorded a wide range of sound effects and drum articulations using our 25ft and 10ft tape measures for a more modern take on the concept. We also tried recording a laser rangefinder, but it turned out the microphones weren’t sensitive enough yet. I guess the exception proves the rule: if it moves matter, it can make music.

Since we always bring you a lot of value, we’ve included a collection of unique ambient sound pads and tonal atmospheres created by manipulating the source recordings, as well as a ton of custom effect settings that let you further enhance your sound. Either way, the Lineup defines distance! And now I think we’ve stretched those puns far enough!

The Lineup includes over 24 playable articulations, 20 custom effect presets, 20 sound effects, 4825 stereo samples, and a full gigabyte of content.

  • One main instrument
  • Rings, plucks, slaps, drops, rattles, taps and effects sampled from rulers and tape measures
  • 20 Ambience patches created from source content
  • 20 customizable sound designer effects and ambient presets
  • 4825 stereo WAV files
  • Flexible and intuitive multi-layered user interface with oscillator, filter, glide and arpeggiator
  • Full effects rack with convolution reverb with customizable room, hall, chamber and effect environments

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