Ostinato Noir is for execution Ostinato rhythmic chords for strings, woodwinds and wind instruments that work especially in noir conditions. With muffled trumpets and horns, elongated chords, warm woodwinds and velvety strings, it has everything you need to add a note of Noir to any song.

If you are familiar with the Ostinato sister libraries and our approach to recording Ostinato, then with Ostinato Noir you will feel at home. The whole approach differs from our usual phrase tools in that we recorded separate intervals for different rhythmic building blocks. After careful editing, we combine these intervals using an intelligent script that combines them into chords in 5 different voices and 4 inversions. New arpeggio inversion controls create one-click inversion patterns … a quick and easy way to create interesting sequences.

Ostinato Noir recognizes and plays 12 different types of chords, processing not only major and minor chords, but also reduced, half reduced, extended chords, and many others. The complete list is documented in the user manual.

The motor not only builds chords based on the inversion that you play in the area of ​​chords, but when you play in the area of ​​harmonic shift, it will judge which inversion it plays based on the previous chord, the quality of the chord on the key. You are in the position of the chord that you start in this key. This ensures that the transitions are smooth and harmoniously correct, which is especially important for creating changing motifs.

We returned to the magnificent concert hall that we used for other Sonokinetic orchestral libraries, and gathered some of the best (and most accurate) performers for us. Having three complete orchestral sections at our disposal, we captured the entire spectrum of instruments, providing a wider palette of tones in the Ostinato engine and simultaneously playing up to 8 notes. Although at first glance the interface looks just like its sister libraries, Ostinato Noir was completely rearranged in order to work more smoothly, allowing several orchestral sections.

This library coexists with our Orchestra series and our phrase-based libraries, being recorded in the same room, with the same microphone positions and even using some of the same players. Our orchestral libraries are harmoniously combined with each other.

We at Sonokinetic BV are very happy to introduce Ostinato Noir to you and cannot wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will do with it.

Sonokinetic has established itself as one of the best quality manufacturers, and with this product we would like to emphasize this statement. We adhere to our unrivaled price module and high-quality selection.


• 44.1kHZ – 24 Bit
• 2.880 SAMPLES
• 1.92GB NCW Format
• Royalty and copyright free content license

Sampled Instruments

• 3 recorded orchestral sections
• Strings 50 players
• Woodwinds 12 players
• Brass 10 players

By Leauger

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