BUTE Limiter 2 provides highly accurate, ultra-transparent peak limiting across all audio material with a streamlined, sleek user interface. “

BUTE Limiter 2 is controlled by the new Signum Audio limiting algorithm, which is specially designed for maximum transparency. For version 2, the algorithm has been further refined to provide even better performance under extreme settings. Algorithm improvements include improved bass response and support for shorter release times.

BUTE Limiter 2 also features an improved auto release. The optimal release is calculated by analyzing the audio input and dynamically adapting the release time. The auto-release length can still be adjusted to best suit different types of sound, similar to traditional limiter release settings, but sounds much more natural than a fixed length.

As a result, BUTE Limiter 2 delivers smooth and ultra-transparent limiting that retains the character of your master while taking care of any inter-sample peaks.
BUTE Limiter 2 has a resizable history view that allows you to interactively explore peaks, cutoffs, thresholds, and outputs – you can choose to view an overview of your entire master, or expand it to a specific portion.

If any instantaneous peaks are introduced using the post-gain function, BUTE Limiter 2 will flag them prominently in the alert history. The history also supports re-measurement via DAW auto-sync and will be updated if you change the limiter settings so you can see how the new settings affect the sound.

BUTE Limiter 2 turns on pre-gain to increase or decrease the volume of the input signal before limiting, as well as post-gain to be applied after limiting.
The plug-in can be configured to accentuate either the limiter output or the general output, that is, the limiter output with Post Gain applied. So, whether you want to hit the limiter with Pre Gain like a maximizer, or limit your signal and then use Post Gain to compensate for the change in volume, BUTE Limiter 2 gives you an optimized display for your workflow.

By Leauger

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