Rob Papen’s world of synthesis was missing one type of synthesizer… A synthesizer in which all controls and functions are accessible visually and simultaneously. This is how the original Go2 was developed, which immediately became very popular and was used by many musicians and composers in their works. It has now been updated to Go2-X and added with even more useful features and enhancements, making it the “ultimate” synth!

Presets/Folders and Global Section:

Over 1700 presets sorted by bank folders.
In addition, the bank manager has a “Quick Browser”, “Favorites” and “Star” system.
ECS (External MIDI Control) Go2-X can dynamically change its audio parameters in response to MIDI messages received from an external controller. These settings can be saved and loaded from the hard drive.
Help – Opens the Go2-X PDF manual.
Bank manager.
Go2-X Logo Clicking the Go2-X logo opens the back panel. The rear panel displays global settings and rarely used controls.
Control menu available in the upper right corner for global settings
Animated watch faces with the ability to disable.

Oscillator Section:

The heart of the Go2-X is the morph oscillator, allowing you to switch (via different morph modes) between two different waveforms.
First and second waveforms (Wave-A and Wave-B).
Oscillator morphing mode. The Morph Mode menu determines how the oscillator combines the two waves First Wave and Second Wave.
Morph modes: Mix, Morph, Low Partial Morph, High Partial Morph, Odd/Even Partial Morph, Even/Odd Partial Morph, Table Interpolate, Table Split, Table Combine, FM, PM, AM, Ring Mod, WaveShaper and Range.
Spread (creates a stacked sound from 2 oscillators).
Sub. The sub-oscillator knob allows you to select two different waveforms: sine or square.
Sym (Sym controls the symmetry of the oscillator waveform).
SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) Amount.
Symmetry modulation controls how much the symmetry position changes over time.
SMOD (Symmetry Modulation) SpeedSmod Speed ​​sets the frequency of the LFO that changes the symmetry position.
Additional Spectrum waveforms.

XY Section:

The XY pad is a combination of live, interactive control as well as an automatic programmable modulation source.
XY controls.
Edit (In Edit mode, you can move the path points and thus edit the XY path manually).
Play Speed ​​(the Play Speed ​​control changes the playback speed of the recorded XY trajectory).
Modes: Poly, Free or Mono.
Loop modes: off, loop or bi-directional loop.
Sync To (tempo synchronization of XY movement).
Points (from 2 points to 128 points).
Space Quantize (spatial quantization limits points on the current trajectory to a set of grid lines).
Time Quantize (Time Quantize sets the frequency at which the XY position is updated).
Draw Osc (if desired, the XY screen also shows the current oscillator output).
Commands (XY menu with many additional options such as preset path).

Filter section:

Analogue modeled filter.
Cutoff frequency.
Q (resonance).
20 filter types, including two Comb Filter types and ring modulation.
Cutoff frequency modulation: Velocity (Vel), Key Track, Modulation Wheel, Envelope (Env).
Filter envelope with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release and reverse controls. (Graphics mode or typing mode can be selected in the Play mode section).

High Pass Filter:

An additional filter located behind the main filter.
With on/off function.
Keyboard Tracking On/Off.
Q (resonance) On/Off and adjustment of the
Cutoff frequency value.

Amp Section:

The ultimate volume control in the Go2-X with voice-level distortion.
Distortion level regulator.
Distortion types Atan, Bit, Cos, Cross, Fold, Limit, Over, Power, Rate, Saturate, Square
Volume control.
Velocity (Vel > Vol).
Volume envelope with attack, decay, sustain and release. (Graphics mode or typing mode can be selected in the Play mode section).

Playback Mode Section:

Sets how the Go2-X plays back its engine, and additional features and settings can be found in this section.
Playback modes: Poly (16 voices), Poly MPE, Mono, Mono High, Mono Low, Legato, Legato High, Legato Low and Arpeggiator.
Portamento with speed control, tempo or time mode, tempo hold or time hold mode.
The amount of portamento.
Unison and chords.
In unison mode, the Go2-X produces up to 4 unison voices per note played. This works at the oscillator/filter level, so up to 16 voices can be played in polyphony mode.
Unison modes and chords*
Unison 2-4.
2 octaves.
3 octaves.
2 SP.
From major to diminus 7th chord (3-voice and 4-voice).
Unison detonation magnitude.
Unison Stereo Spread.
Pitch Bend Up / Down (unit used is semitone).
Drift On/Off When this parameter is turned on, the oscillator has “analog drift”, i.e. has a very slight and slow tuning shift over time.
Exp Env (Select whether the decay/attenuation stages of the envelope are linear or exponential).

WAVE Section:

Each Go2-X preset allows you to create two custom waves.
Creation modes – Draw or Partials with the “exponential” option.
Draw, Line and Erase options.
Shaper option is available for different modes.
Additional control options and the ability to save and load waveforms.

Arpeggiator Section:

The Go2-X offers a classic-style arpeggiator with some unique features, such as a sequencer mode and unison/chord control on each step.
The arpeggiator has up to 16 steps. The following values ​​can be set for each step:*
Step On/Off.
Tie (Binding note).
Slide (slide).
Tune (melody).
Steps (number of steps 1-16).
Dynamic pickup modes for Step numbers: odd, even or all.
Loop modes: On, Off, PingPong.
Dynamic pick-up modes for loop starting point – odd, even or all.
Magic modes for changing steps, customizing them, or both.
Speed ​​(e.g. 2 x tempo or ? x tempo).
Modes Arp*
Up, Down, Up/Down, Random, Ordered, Rev Ordered, Ordered Up/Down, Ordered Down/Up, Chord, Sequencer, Sequencer Reset.
Toggle modes: Normal, Special, Toggle 1, toggle 2.
Lock mode option.
Amount of slip.
Vel/Key (responses to step speed setting or keyboard input).
Host Sync.
Key Entry.
Arpeggiator command menu.
LFO section.
The Go2-X has 2 free LFOs that generate modulating signals for use as sources in the modulation path.
Waveform Types: The following waveforms are available: Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, Square, S&H, User Wave 1 or User Wave 2. In addition to the
S&H wave, waveforms are available with different start phases: 0 (normal), 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
Synchronization (Tempo Sync option).
Modes: Poly, Free, Mono and Legato.

Envelope Section:

The Go2-X has 2 free envelopes that generate modulating signals used as sources in the modulation path.
2 envelopes with Attack, Decay, Sustain, Sustain-Fade and Release functions.
Tempo sync option.

Modulation Matrix Section:

The 12-band modulation matrix allows you to dynamically change Go2-X parameters. using both internal modules such as envelopes and LFOs, and external MIDI controllers such as Pitch Bend, Aftertouch and other control messages defined in the MIDI standard.

FX Section:

Go2-X has 4 FX blocks in sequential mode!
Flanger or Phaser
Stereo Delay
Bypass all functions

Bank Manager Section:

There are four main sections: Presets, Find, Search Category and Set Category. For each section, the jars are visible on the right side. While on the Presets screen in the Bank Manager, you can star any preset if you like it.

Rear Screen:

Clicking the Go2-X logo displays the rear panel. The back panel contains several global controls that affect all instances of Go2-X.
GUI size options: 100%, 125%, 150% and 200%.
Computer keyboard Up/Down.
External MIDI control capture mode.
MIDI Program/Bank Change.
MIDI channel.
Configuration using .tun files.

By Leauger

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