To get this free update for Studio One 4 users, just click “Check for updates” from Studio One’s Start Page!
Here’s the complete change log:

New features and improvements:

Improved ARA chord integration (Melodyne 5 compatibility)
Added Quantum 2626 Device Template
[Ampire] Audible pop on instantiation
[Ampire] Loud click when switching thru Wah models
[Melodyne] Crash when using “Copy Song Data to Note Assignment”
[Presence XT] Sample start modulation shifts loop start as well
[Windows] Slow redraw moving less than 51 items
[Windows] Crash on duplicating / moving / replacing arranger sections
[Windows] Fat Channel Plug-ins not working on certain systems
Multi Instruments w/ NoteFX missing Fader/Inserts when recalled
Pattern Part “Variations” are not recalled correctly
Automation not responding on scroll wheel in Pattern Melodic Mode
Menu item “Assign in ascending order” should not appear pipeline’s port menus
Redraw problems in Scratchpad timeline
Potential crash on playback when an audio event has an invalid length or offset
“Tab to Transients” doesn’t work in .multitrack files

Download Link

By Leauger

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