Boost X is a dynamic smart saturation / overdrive plugin. Used to make any sound warmer, adding extra harmonics.
Many other similar plugins use a static algorithm that does not change depending on the transmitted sound. These effects work like this: when sound reaches a certain threshold, then saturation is applied. They are either turned on or off, and the degree of saturation strongly depends on the volume of the sound transmitted into them.
Boost X is different – it responds to incoming sound and applies the ideal amount of saturation at the current volume. This means that even quiet sounds can be processed without any increase in volume. Boost-X also compensates for perceived loudness by lowering the volume so you get beautiful rich harmonics added to your sound without disturbing the balance of the entire mix.
The plugin will give your sounds rich depth and warmth that will blend well in your mix, revitalizing vocals and instruments with real analogue warmth and atmosphere!

By Leauger

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