string library The sound of Japanese string instruments is captivating and highly unique. What makes it so special? Small ensembles recorded in dedicated studio spaces allow for greater flexibility in playing, while the pursuit of perfection results in incredible precision. These strengths make Japanese ensembles equally capable of subtle nuances and stunning, emotional performances that move listeners to tears.

For many of us who have admired Japanese soundtracks for years, this sound has long been a source of inspiration, but until now it has been inaccessible to most composers outside of Japan.

Our goal with Tokyo Scoring Strings was to bring you the orchestral string sound that characterizes many of Japan’s world-famous productions. This project was a dream come true for all of us at Impact Soundworks, and we’re thrilled to have worked with some of our musical heroes to bring it to life.

But we weren’t satisfied with simply reproducing this wonderful sound; we also aimed to create an outstanding, inspiring user interface, flexible editing, beautiful legato, and recording depth that could rival any other industry-standard string library.

Version 1.0.10

  • Fixed lookahead CC11 synchronization

Version 1.0.9

  • Fixed location of files from 1.0.8 update

Version 1.0.8

  • Added workaround for Kontakt 7.6.1 bug affecting CC11 mapping

Version 1.0.7

  • Default settings updated to preserve more room sound in short articulations.
  • Fixed abrupt attack cut-in on Contrabasses Decrescendo Long articulation.

Version 1.0.6

  • Worked around a KSP bug which caused instruments to produce hanging voices after several minutes of use

Version 1.0.5

  • Fixed issues with sample offset (cut-off samples) in various patches

Version 1.0.4

  • FIXED: ‘Cello Spiccato Secco D1 V2 RR01’ Late Start-time has been corrected.
  • FIXED: Inconsistent Velocity -> Volume behavior on some articulations. Corrected for the current intended behavior, all Longs + Sfz/Dec are controlled by Dynamics (CC1), and all Shorts are controlled by Velocity.
  • FIXED: We discovered Cubase users by default have a 2-tick gap between touching MIDI Notes, which prevented Lookahead’s legato detection from working properly. Lookahead now accounts for an extra 2 ticks.
  • FIXED: Attack overlays now properly are faded out when playing legato lines. Before, long overlays like the Sfz 1/4 would continue ringing long after notes transitioned.
  • FIXED: Previous Library Pane graphic had corrupted Kanji in the logo.

Version 1.0.3

  • Reduced RAM usage for all patches across the board by adjusting patches & scripts. Improved behavior of attack overlay scaling, especially with niente enabled. Improved sound of fast legato releases. Viola D3 spiccato note fix (incorrect root key). Small lookahead timing adjustments.

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed multis, Lookahead with leg speed off is no longer reset by portamento, fixed sfz/dec behavior from modwheel, added sfz long/short overlay options for arco (etc), added missing help text for certain tabs and mapping controls, fixed violins 2 mic mixer close/decca sharing same bus, Kontakt purge should work again

Version 1.0.1

  • NKR hotfix for short note cutout issue

Version 1.0.0

  • Release version

By Leauger

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