THUNDER & RAIN – third sound effects library from our series of high quality and amazing nature recordings by Emmy award winning nature recording genius Gordon Hampton. Hampton has explored the globe for over three decades to capture nature in its most pristine form, and we are proud to be the exclusive distributor besides Gordon’s own company, QUIET PLANET.

This collection has everything you need to create the perfect storm: 22 separate recordings of thunder, including close-range thumps, resonant peels and distant rumblings; plus 35 rains of varying intensity and nine storm records. There is one full hour of rainfall (61 minutes) and one full thunderstorm (41 minutes) to quickly find the sound you want with the right duration. None of these thunder and rain files appear in the Nature Essentials collection.

The environment is as close as possible to the natural and original bright sound of nature. Once empowered to unleash your true acoustic potential, these stunning 5.0 surround sound recordings will surely keep you from settling for less in the future.

QP03 0269 Thunder close clap 5.0.wav Close lightning strike produces thunder clap.
QP03 0270 Thunder close 5.0.wav Close lightning strike followed by deep well defined echoing thunder. No rain drops present. Single shot.
QP03 0271 Thunder close peeling 5.0.wav Thunder is close, explosive and peeling.
QP03 0272 Thunder moderately close 5.0.wav Thunder is moderately close.
QP03 0273 Thunder single peel 5.0.wav Thunder quick peel and short.
QP03 0274 Thunder long peel 5.0.wav Thunder is long clear peel.
QP03 0275 Thunder long slow peel 5.0.wav Thunder peels across full sky beautifully.
QP03 0276 Thunder echo 5.0.wav Thunder echo is loud and well defined.
QP03 0277 Thunder moderately distant 5.0.wav Thunder moderately distant and simple.
QP03 0278 Thunder distant very long peel 5.0.wav Thunder distant with two long peel across sky and mild faint wind.
QP03 0279 Thunder moderately distant 5.0.wav Thunder moderately distant and short.
QP03 0280 Thunder moderately distant rolling 5.0.wav Thunder moderately distant filling sky with long roll.
QP03 0281 Thunder distant rolling 5.0.wav Thunder distant and long.
QP03 0282 Thunder distant long rolling 5.0.wav Thunder distant and long, mild wisp.
QP03 0283 Thunder distant slow long 5.0.wav Thunder distant and slow unfold and long trail.
QP03 0284 Thunder distant very slow long 5.0.wav Thunder distant and long trailing.
QP03 0285 Thunder distant short 5.0.wav Thunder distant and relatively brief.
QP03 0286 Thunder distant 5.0.wav Thunder distant and booming widely.
QP03 0287 Thunder very distant 5.0.wav Thunder distant but spatial.
QP03 0288 Thunder very distant booming 5.0.wav Thunder distant but with detail.
QP03 0289 Thunder very distant booming 5.0.wav Thunder distant and rolling repetitively.
QP03 0290 Thunder distant faint 5.0.wav Thunder deep, distant and rolling.
QP03 0291 Water drops 5.0.wav Water drops isolated to produce 9 sfx for rain accents.
QP03 0292 Rain quiet light tone 5.0.wav Rain nearly absent.
QP03 0293 Rain light shower on water 5.0.wav Rain passes quickly over small puddle and then returns to very quiet conditions. Delicate event.
QP03 0294 Rain shower onset 5.0.wav Rain begins as small drop shower which then quickly passes and leads to big heavy drips. No puddles. High pitched bird evident at very high playback levels.
QP03 0295 Rain light consistent leaves 5.0.wav Rain light and consistent onto leaves. No puddles. High pitched bird is throughout in background.
QP03 0296 Rain light mod consistent leaves 5.0.wav Rain light with drops and drips onto forest floor and leaves, no puddles.
QP03 0297 Rain light leaf drips 5.0.wav Rain light with drops and drips onto forest floor and leaves, no puddles.
QP03 0298 Rain mod leaf drips 5.0.wav Rain moderate onto leaves with distinct impacts, sonsistent. No puddles.
QP03 0299 ​​Rain builds then subsides drips 5.0.wav Rain light onto puddle and leaves, then builds quickly into shower for minute then subsides back to light rain.
QP03 0300 Rain strong consistent 5.0.wav Rain strong and consistent with splatters and some puddles developing.
QP03 0301 Rain downpour 5.0.wav Rain downpour spatters, natural vibrations evident.


QP03 0302 Rain downpour fast 5.0.wav Rain downpour is intense roar and consistent.
QP03 0303 Rain downpour fluctuates 5.0.wav Rain downpour roars with little drop detail. Some natural vibrations (low frequency) from moving vegetation. Slight variation in intensity.
QP03 0304 Rain builds subsides sparse 5.0.wav Rain builds to shower gradually then subsides. No puddles.
QP03 0305 Rain builds subsides drippy 5.0.wav Rain drippy sparse then builds to shower and then subsides.
QP03 0306 Rain consistently moderate 5.0.wav Rain consistent and moderate with finer grained quick pattering on leaves. Faint bird chatter in distant background.
QP03 0307 Rain consistent moderate puddles 5.0.wav Rain consistent active on leaves and puddles, drippy and wet. Very faint bird common in distant background after 2:23.
QP03 0308 Rain mod light drippy aftermath 5.0.wav Rain drops and drips active onto leaves and puddles during storm abatement.
QP03 0309 Rain light drippy aftermath 5.0.wav Rain drops and drips active onto leaves and puddles during storm abatement.
QP03 0310 Rain light patters aftermath 5.0.wav Rain active, patters lightly onto leaves after storm. No puddles.
QP03 0311 Rain light patters sparse aftermath 5.0.wav Rain patters lightly onto leaves after storm passes. No puddles.
QP03 0312 Rain very light patters aftermath 5.0.wav Rain patters very lightly onto leaves after storm passes. No puddles.
QP03 0313 Rain sparse aftermath 5.0.wav Rain drops, sparse, onto leaves, no puddles, after storm passes.
QP03 0314 Rain underwater at surface 5.0.wav Rain drops onto surface of puddle as recorded from underwater.
QP03 0315 Rain underwater at surface onset subside 5.0.wav Rain as heard underwater and recorded near the surface. Quick shower. Very faint “who, who, who” at 28s under high amplification.
QP03 0316 Rain on puddle light 5.0.wav Rain drops and drips lightly onto forest puddle.
QP03 0317 Rain on puddle cave entrance 5.0.wav Rain drops, drips and trickles onto puddles at cave entrance.
QP03 0318 Rain subsides at cave entrance 5.0.wav Rain drops splatter onto dirt floor of cave entrance, gradually lessening over time.
QP03 0319 Rain aftermath at cave entrance drippy 5.0.wav Rain drops splatter at cave entrance after heavy rain. Faint insects in far background.
QP03 0320 Rain aftermath at cave entrance sparse 5.0.wav Rain drops and small trickles at cave entrance after storm. Very faint insects.
QP03 0321 Rain drop taps on thick firm leaves 5.0.wav Rain drops widely spaced, prominent, well isolated onto thick firm leaves.
QP03 0322 Rain drop taps on large firm leaves 5.0.wav Rain drops onto large firm leaves and recorded from underside. Birds in background with faint wind rumble.
QP03 0323 Rain drips on leaves puddles 5.0.wav Rain drops onto forest leaves, branches, and onto puddles.
QP03 0324 Rain drops on forest leaves 5.0.wav Rain drops onto forest leaves with occasional drops hitting wood branches. No puddles. Gentle breeze rattle drops free (brief).
QP03 0325 Rain onset palm umbrella 5.0.wav Rain builds under natural palm frond acting as umbrella, mild distant thunder rumble is brief. Very faint bird chirp in distant background.
QP03 0326 Thunderstorm very few rain drops 5.0.wav Thunderstorm dramatic, no rain most of time, with occasional wisps of wind and scattered drops. Faint cricket at times.
QP03 0327 Thunderstorm dry extended 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with very light rain and dramatic thunder.
QP03 0328 Thunderstorm very light rain 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with long thunder peels and very light rain.
QP03 0329 Thunderstorm light rain 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with rain onset (remains light), thunder well defined, widely spaced and various.
QP03 0330 Thunderstorm mod light rain 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with moderately light rain and dramatic thunder.
QP03 0331 Thunderstorm light rain 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with light rain is dramatic with excellent spatial definition. Very faint bird noticeable at 2: 30-3: 15 when highly amplified.
QP03 0332 Thunderstorm light rain 5.0.wav Thunderstorm with light rain. Thunder varies from pronounced to distant rumbles.
QP03 0333 Rainstorm full sequence extended 5.0.wav Rainstorm without thunder progresses from onset to subsiding with many variations in intensities for quick captures.
QP03 0334 Thunderstorm full sequence extended 5.0.wav Thunderstorm progresses from onset to subsiding with variations in intensities for quick captures.

By Leauger

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