Enhance the sound of your drums, make it more expressive and powerful! Experienced sound engineers know that to create the perfect drum mix, you need to skillfully combine various techniques: compression, parallel processing, saturation and equalizer. We have combined advanced technologies in one simple and effective plugin that will add the necessary dynamics, energy and clarity to your drums.

Simplified Drum Compression

Simplicity and power are at the core of the BSA Drum Bus, designed to add energy and glue to your drums with just a few controls. We’ve already dialed in time-tested compression settings for modern drums, so you can add punch, warmth and density in seconds without worrying about ratios or milliseconds.

Two Precise Modes

Standard mode delivers clean, transparent compression that tightens up your drum mix and creates cohesion and stickiness throughout the entire drum bus.

Slammed mode delivers aggressive, in-your-face

compression to achieve the punchy, larger-than-life drum sounds you hear on your favorite records. Perfect for a parallel drum bus.

Auto Gain

Auto Gain is built into every knob for easy A/B’ing and no wasted time.

Color Your Drums

Fine-tune and shape the tone of your drums with the TONE and SALT controls. Use the Tone control to make the tone brighter and/or smoother and warmer. The Salt control adds flavor to your drums, subtly boosting key frequencies that add power, clarity, and punch to any drum bus.

Saturation for Big Drums

The heat control adds flavorful saturation, enriching your drums with the right harmonic content depending on the mode. Heat in STANDARD mode adds warmth and fullness. In SLAMMED mode, it adds grit and edge.

Remove previous versions.
Previous activated licenses are located in
%APPDATA%\Application Support\Black Salt Audio\
%APPDATA%\Application Support\Yum Audio\
We found that an activated license with an old keygen sometimes crashes the plugin when launched in the latest version, because it requires more values ​​than before.
If you encounter a crash on launch issue, remove old licenses and activate with
the latest keygen.

Block access to the following address:

Run our setup and install.
Run the plugin.
Click “Activate License”.
Click “Click here for offline activation”.
In some cases, you need to scroll down the activation dialog!
Offline activation will begin.
Click “Generate Machine File”.
Save the *.yml file on your desktop.

Run our keygen.
Enter your name.
Click “Generate” and download the *.yml file.
Save *.ylf license file.
Load *.ylf License File from plugin. Done!
If nothing happens after loading file, reload plugin.
This issue occurs when “FoodstampsIpcServer.exe” is blocked on your computer.
Once you generate one license file, it can be loaded from other plugins.
=> If this trick works in legal version, you can buy one and get all

OpenGL settings (optional):
If you want to enable OpenGL for GUI rendering,
Open “gl” file in text editor.
%APPDATA%\Application Support\Yum Audio\Global Settings\gl
Change value “0” to “1”.

By Leauger

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