Eos is comprised of three high-quality, custom-designed reverb algorithms designed with all the latest design possibilities in mind. Two different plate simulators and Superhall’s proprietary algorithm give you a wide palette of reverb, and the easy-to-understand interface makes it incredibly easy to change the algorithms to suit your needs.

The famous EOS Reverb has now been updated to version 2 and is now even cooler. B All-new GUI (fully Retina and Windows HiRes compatible), new cross-platform preset engine, new reverb algorithm, added crossover controls, support for VST3 versions and much more …


Due to an unfortunate “missing source code” issue, we had to basically do v2.1.0 over entirely. So everything we said in the previous update is reiterated.

In addition, the GUI has gotten a touch-up, and the preset manager was replaced with our new-style one.

On macOS, ARM (M1) versions have been added for everything but the AAX, and the preset location was moved to ~ / Music. If you have made presets, you will need to move them manually from their old location to the new one. On the bright side, you can structure the folder tree however you want.

One final addition: Eos 2 now loads a preset out of the User folder named “Default” on instance. You can overwrite this preset to create your own default state.

By Leauger

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